
Child Help Civic Foundation in Warsaw is a public benefit organization providing specific help in treatment and physical therapy to children with health issues. Our focus is on supporting efforts of parents who try to collect funds themselves.


Our Foundation was established in 2002 and was granted its status following the regulations of the public benefit and voluntary work Act of Law. It is listed in the National Court Register as KRS 0000140007. The Foundation was set up by parents, families and friends of children undergoing treatment at The Children’s Memorial Health Institute with the vision of mutual support in assuring children’s best health.


Our goal is to provide help to sick children and their families as well as promote and protect the health of children and young people.


We mainly look after Polish children. We offer help to those who cannot afford the treatment costs.


We support them through:

  1. covering diagnosis, medical and physical therapy treatment costs, excluded from a health insurance plan.
  2. financing part of purchase of drugs, medical and physiotherapeutic equipment to be used at home, not refundable by social insurance institutions or the State Fund for Rehabilitation of the Disabled Persons (PFRON);
  3. covering accommodation costs of parents or legal guardians staying at hospital hotel, when necessary for medical reasons;
  4. covering costs of special diet, special clothing or furniture and equipment for the room in which a sick child lives;
  5. covering transport and travel costs of the sick child and caretaker in case of out-of-home medical or physiotherapeutic appointments.


One of our major areas of activity is cooperation with The Children’s Memorial Health Institute. As a child help Foundation we signed a contract with the Institute in 2010. Since then we have been financing parents’ stay by their child’s bed in hospital through the night. We dedicate our help to those who are in exceptionally difficult financial situation.


If you want to help us

There are many different ways to help:

The most obvious way is to donate money onto the following account:
10 1090 1753 0000 0001 5913 2875

When sending money from abroad in foreign currency:

Bank Santander SA
IBAN: PL 10 1090 1753 0000 0001 5913 2875

When donating money for a specific child, it is enough to include the child’s name in justification for transfer.


  • Refund the cost of one of the following: stay at rehabilitation centre, wheelchair, orthoses, surgery, holidays, winter heating fuel or school supplies for a specific child..
  • Donate 1% of your income tax and encourage others to do the same.
  • Declare permanent help for a chosen child or his/her family.
  • Tutor a child.
  • Host a family during summer holidays.
  • Take a child to the cinema or theatre.
  • Help in redecorating child’s room. Adjust a bathroom to disabled child’s needs.
  • Make a gift package for Christmas, Children’s Day, birthday, etc.
  • Promote the Foundation and its mission.
  • Take part in events organized by the Foundation.
  • Invite us to your events.
  • Become our volunteer.


Used clothing collection


Collection of second-hand clothes is one of the forms of help for the charges of the Citizens’ Foundation for Help for Children. By donating all textiles: clothes, shoes, blankets, curtains, bedding, towels, etc., you can join our campaign and thus increase the chances of sick and disabled children to receive support.


How it's working?
1.Door to door collection

If there are leaflets informing about the collection in your area, please do not pick them off, but unnecessary clothing should be tightly packed in waterproof bags (e.g. plastic bags or clean garbage bags) and displayed in a visible place in front of the property or staircase. Drivers of companies cooperating with the Foundation collect the donated textiles from the time indicated on the leaflet until dusk, so please do not be impatient if the gifts are not collected in the morning. There is always a hotline number on the leaflet, to which you can direct any questions. If you cannot wait for the collection to be organized in your area, invite us by calling 22 614 15 28. The representatives of the Foundation will inform you about the planned collection date.


2. Collection to containers

Containers for clothes and other textiles are set up in Warsaw and Kraków, with the consent of the landowners. In Warsaw they are red, in Krakow they are green – as shown in the visualizations below. Bulk gifts can be put into the containers – they do not have to be packed in any way, unless it concerns sets (sweatshirt with pants, a set of bedding, a hat with a scarf, a pair of gloves or shoes, if they cannot be tied with laces). Containers are emptied as they are full and sorted regularly. Should you have any questions regarding the collection for a given container, or discover any irregularities (damage, overturning, overfilling, devastation, disorder), please contact the telephone number provided on the container.


The size of the donated clothes or their purpose does not matter. We accept both children’s and adult clothing. It is important that it is clean and dry. Before returning the garment, check that it is suitable for re-use.


How is the given clothing used?

First of all, the selectors choose from the entire pile of various types of clothes, the ones for which our pupils requested at a given moment. We donate clothes to both children and their siblings and parents, so larger sizes of undamaged garments are also useful to us. Clothing in good condition, but not of use to our children and their families at the moment, is sold to second-hand stores. Therefore, please do not be surprised if you find the clothes you donated in one of them. The funds obtained from the sale of your gifts are allocated to our statutory activities. It is thanks to selling the clothes donated to us that we can buy the necessary rehabilitation equipment, medications and dressings. Thanks to the sale of unnecessary clothes in the wardrobe, we are able to pay for therapeutic classes, surgical procedures or health stays.


Obywatelska Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom


Biuro Fundacji
(tu ślij korespondencję)

ul. Radzymińska 326, lok. 231
05-091 Ząbki/k. Warszawy


Siedziba rejestracyjna Fundacji
(dane wyłącznie do faktur

prosimy nie przesyłać korespondencji)
ul. Balkonowa 3/36
03-329 Warszawa
NIP 524-24-46-570


 22 614 15 28

pon-pt: 9:30 do 14:30


Numer rachunku bankowego:
10 1090 1753 0000 0001 5913 2875

Uwaga: Ważna informacja dotycząca naszego numeru rachunku bankowego!


Uprzejmie informujemy, że istnieje podejrzenie, iż nasz numer rachunku bankowego może być wykorzystywany do celów innych niż wpłaty darowizn na naszą fundację. Prosimy o szczegółowe zweryfikowanie wszelkich transakcji, zanim dokonają Państwo wpłat. W razie jakichkolwiek wątpliwości prosimy o kontakt bezpośredni z fundacją.

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